Operating course IRC5 (BE5)





Training course

Operating course IRC5 (BE5)


The course is intended for system operators, machine operators, mechanical and maintenance personnel who do not program the robot themselves.


Course objective

After active participation, the participant will be able to switch on and start the robot system. They will be able to recognize and rectify simple faults and operational interruptions (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP), move the mechanics using the joystick and make simple corrections to the existing program.


Previous knowledge

No special prior knowledge required. However, a certain technical understanding is required.


Course content

  • Safety aspects when handling the robot
  • Explanation of the structure and mode of operation of the robot system
  • Starting and switching off the system
  • Dialog guidance with the help of "windows"
  • Movement of the manipulator and description of the aids offered by the system to make this easier and safer
  • Selecting, starting and stopping a program
  • Working in the production window during automatic operation
  • Program structure
  • Explanation of the system error messages
  • Making simple program corrections such as position corrections and changes to arguments in movement instructions
  • Saving and loading programs
  • Checking and setting input and output signals in the I/O window
  • Updating the revolution counter


Course duration

2 ½ days, each from 9h - 16h, last day 9h - 12h


Course location

ABB Robotics

Brown-Boveri-Str. 3

A-2351 Wiener Neudorf


Further information

This course (or the basic programming course PRB5) is a prerequisite for the mechanical or electrical maintenance courses.

Course Operating course IRC5 (BE5)
Number 3HAC059624-085
Available places 8
Date 29.10.2024 – 31.10.2024
Price EUR 1'440.00
Contact ABB AG
Brown Boveri Strasse 3
2351 Wiener Neudorf
Tel. +43 (0) 676 85333333
Registration deadline 14.10.2024 17:00
E-mail robotics.service@at.abb.com
No. Date Time Teacher Location Description
1 29.10.2024 09:00 – 16:00 Kevin Cruz Sandoval ABB AG Bedienkurs IRC5 (BE5) 1.Tag
2 30.10.2024 09:00 – 16:00 Kevin Cruz Sandoval Bedienkurs IRC5 (BE5) 2.Tag
3 31.10.2024 09:00 – 12:00 Kevin Cruz Sandoval Bedienkurs IRC5 (BE5) 3.Tag