1 General Terms and Conditions
(1.1) The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all contracts of the company GluckerKolleg
GbR (hereinafter referred to as "GluckerKolleg") and the contractual partner (hereinafter referred to as
"customer/participant"), which concern all offered training or further education in the area of sport, health
and/or fitness.
(1.2) The General Terms and Conditions apply exclusively. We do not recognise any terms and conditions
of the customer/participant that conflict with or deviate from our contractual terms and conditions, unless
we have expressly agreed to their validity in writing. Our contractual terms and conditions shall also apply
if we perform the service to the customer/participant without reservation in the knowledge of terms and
conditions of the customer that conflict with or deviate from our contractual terms and conditions.
(1.3) By placing an order or registering, the customer/participant agrees to the validity of these General
Terms and Conditions.
(1.4) Our contractual terms and conditions apply both to consumers and to entrepreneurs within the
meaning of Section 310 (1) of the German Civil Code (BGB).
2 Offer
(2.1) The prices, price quotations and descriptions quoted or mentioned do not constitute legally binding
offers, nor does any other advertising of the services of GluckerKolleg. The customer/participant makes an
offer which is accepted by GluckerKolleg by means of a declaration in text or written form. Only with this
declaration by GluckerKolleg is a contract concluded.
(2.2) GluckerKolleg endeavours to ensure the availability of the offers, but cannot guarantee that all offers
can be provided at the time of booking by the customer/participant. If GluckerKolleg is unable to process
or fulfil the customer/participant's order, GluckerKolleg may reject it without further liability.
3 Duration, place and time of the training
The duration of the training is determined by the contract concluded, as are the place and time of the
training event. In the case of training courses held on more than two dates, the duration, place and time of
the training event shall be determined in addition by the examination regulations in force at the time.
4 Remuneration, price and payment modalities
(4.1) All prices quoted by GluckerKolleg are total prices. Any additional delivery and shipping costs will be
indicated separately in the respective description.
(4.2) The course fee is determined by the contractual basis set out in § 3 of the GTC. In addition, the
general price list applies, which is displayed in the offices of GluckerKolleg and which can be viewed on
the website of GluckerKolleg (at http://www.GluckerKolleg.de) at the time the contract is concluded.
(4.3) Payment of the course fee is made cashless through the payment systems specified at the time of
booking and is due immediately upon conclusion of the contract. The customer shall be in default at the
latest if he/she does not pay within 10 days of receipt of the due invoice.
(4.4) Booking and contacting usually takes place by e-mail and with automated order processing. The
customer must ensure that the email address provided by him/her at the time of booking is correct so that
emails sent by GluckerKolleg can be received at this address. In particular, when using SPAM filters, the
customer must ensure that all emails sent by GluckerKolleg can be delivered.
(4.5) In the event of a course being cancelled by the participant or in the event of justified termination for
good cause, the entire course fee shall be payable.
5 Right of exclusion in the event of non-payment, retention of certificates
(5.1) If the participant does not pay the course fee before the course is held, GluckerKolleg reserves the
right to exclude the customer/participant from the course until full payment has been made, without the
obligation to pay lapsing.
(5.2) Until the course fees have been paid in full, GluckerKolleg has a right of retention to the participant
certificates and the examination documents. Further claims against GluckerKolleg are excluded.
6 Obligation of the organiser
GluckerKolleg is obliged to conduct the course as specified in the offer according to § 2 of the GTC. This
means to impart the contents of the agreed training by suitable persons in suitable premises or in another
suitable manner.
7 Obligations of the customer/participant
(7.1) The customer/participant is obliged to pay the course fee immediately after conclusion of the
(7.2) Furthermore, the customer/participant undertakes to follow the instructions of the teaching staff
during and/or in connection with the training and to respect the house rules applicable in the course
(7.3) The customer/participant undertakes to refrain from disturbing the lessons and to handle objects
provided by GluckerKolleg as part of the course with care and in an orderly manner.
(7.4) The customer/participant undertakes, if examination regulations apply to the course, to respect these,
in particular to refrain from attempts at cheating.
(7.5) The customer/participant undertakes to respect the copyright of GluckerKolleg in accordance with the
principles set out in §13 of these GTC.
(7.6) Access to courses/offers of GluckerKolleg which are mediated by means of remote data transmission
is password-protected. This access data is only valid for one user. The customer/participant is obliged to
keep these access data and passwords secret and to prevent unauthorised use of these courses/offers by
third parties.
(7.7) In the event of misuse, GluckerKolleg is entitled to block access. The customer/participant is liable for
any misuse for which he/she is responsible.
(7.8) The customer/participant is responsible for ensuring that the technical requirements for access to the
courses are met as specified by GluckerKolleg. Above all, the hardware and operating software used, the
connection to the internet with the adequate connection speed, the current browser software and the
acceptance of the cookies transmitted by the provider's server are to be mentioned here. In this respect,
the customer/participant shall bear all costs in connection with the provision of these prerequisites.
(7.9) In the event of further developments and adaptations of software platforms and other technical
components of the system by GluckerKolleg, it is the responsibility of the customer/participant to
independently adapt corresponding modules (hardware and software with possible browser update)
according to corresponding specifications of GluckerKolleg.
(7.10) The customer/participant is obliged to inform GluckerKolleg immediately of any changes to his/her
customer data by the end of the booked event.
8 Execution of the course, minimum number of participants, postponement of the course, illness
of the instructor
(8.1) Implementation of courses
(8.1a) The course and the contract come into effect with a condition precedent only if it is not an individual
training. The minimum number of 6 participants specified by GluckerKolleg must be reached 7 days before
the start of the course.
(8.1b) If the course does not take place due to a lack of participants, GluckerKolleg will refund any course
fees paid and inform the participant when the next course is scheduled.
(8.1c) If the instructor is ill or prevented from attending for an important reason and GluckerKolleg is
unable to provide a suitable replacement instructor on the agreed course date, GluckerKolleg must inform
the participant in good time and offer him/her a replacement date within two weeks, which in turn must
take place within the next six weeks. The participant is not entitled to compensation if the
appointment/course day is cancelled due to illness.
(8.1d) Statements and explanations about the courses in advertising materials as well as on the
GluckerKolleg website and in the documentation are to be understood exclusively as a description of the
quality and not as a guarantee or assurance of a quality.
(8.2) Performance of online offers
(8.2a) The GluckerKolleg online offers (EducateOnline courses) are generally available seven days a
week, 24 hours a day, with an availability of 98 percent calculated for the calendar year. Availability is
calculated according to the following formula: Availability = (total time - total downtime) / total time.
(8.2b) Statements and explanations about the EducateOnline courses in advertising materials as well as
on the GluckerKolleg website and in the documentation are to be understood exclusively as a description
of the quality and not as a guarantee or assurance of a quality.
(8.2c) By booking the EducateOnline courses, the participant receives the simple right to participate in the
booked course for the duration of the contract of use. This right is not transferable to third parties.
(8.2d) The right to participate during the term of the contract includes access to and the right to retrieve
online-based content of the booked course on a device belonging to the customer/participant exclusively
for his/her own learning purposes.
(8.2e) The right to participate in the booked course is restricted